Class Information and Policies  



INSTRUCTOR:  Dr. Hu., B.A. Psychology: University of California Berkeley, M.A., Ph.D. Psychology: Johns Hopkins University. Doctoral thesis on insect vision. Postdoctoral Fellow in Retinal Neurobiology, Ophthalmology Division, Stanford Univ. Expertise in biological psychology, animal behavior, scientific research methods.



Office: Batmale 332


Office Hours: Tu 4:10-5PM, Fri 12:10-1PM, or by appointment

·                   When sending e-mail to an instructor, clearly identify yourself in the Subject Line to avoid being deleted as spam, e.g.  write “Psyc 1, 9:00, [your name].”  

·                   You are responsible for staying updated via your CCSF email account. See “My CCSF” for info on email information. Many class hand-outs and announcements will be emailed to you. If you are unable to access email, please coordinate with a classmate, or discuss this with me at the beginning of the semester.

·                   Course Website: (This is not the CCSF website.).


STUDENT RESOUCES: A variety of Student Counseling services are available to enhance your success:  (e.g. programs geared toward African American, Asian Pacific, Latino, Homeless, Veteran, Disabled, International, new and continuing students).

The Learning Resource Center also offers assistance with free tutoring services, writing help, academic skills workshops.  See:  



        Class attendance, plus 2-3 hrs of individual study time per class hour. 

        Reading Assignments. You are expected to independently complete the readings and ask questions in class for clarification. Lecture does not cover all cover all course material.

        Written Assignments and Exams



·                   90% and above = A., e.g.  superior work that demonstrates a precise and excellent understanding of course material, including insights & applications

·                   80-89% = B, e.g. work is good without serious flaws

·                   70-79% = C, e.g. work is fair, but has deficiencies and needs improvement in several areas

·                   60-69% = D, e.g. passing, but lacking in preparedness and care in completing assignments.

·                   Pass/No Pass: 70% and above = Pass, 69% and below = No Pass 

·                   Keep returned tests and backup copies of written assignments as evidence in the unlikely event of a grade dispute.

·                   Any Assignment or Document emailed (embed in text, not an attachment) to meet a deadline must be followed by a Paper Copy delivered within three working days to my office, Batmale 332.

·                   If there are any questions about your course grade contact me within 90 days after the end of the semester. Graded papers and tests are retained for one year.



·                   Zero tolerance for Cheating or other acts of academic dishonesty. These acts can result in a permanent F grade for the course. “Cheating” includes: copying homework from another student, getting test information from another student, removing test information from the classroom (a copy of the exam, taking notes about test questions/answers, photographing, photocopying, etc.), failing to reference work from another source (plagiarism), etc. “Double-dipping”, i.e. submitting work that was not originally created for the class assignment, is also cheating. All assignments are an opportunity to learn the course material. Don’t cheat yourself out of a solid education.

·                   If you are aware of another person cheating (e.g. during testing or test reviews, on assignments, etc.) please let me know. I will further investigate and you can remain anonymous. This creates an environment that is fair for everyone and supports academic integrity.  

·                   Most testing will be on Scantrons. You are required to bring a pencil & eraser on test days.

·                   Any error in marking the scantron, or incomplete erasures will be counted as a “wrong answer.”

·                   Tests must be taken at the scheduled times. No make-ups. No early or late Final Exams.

·                   No electronic devices (phones, tablets, etc.) present during testing or test answer reviews.

·                   Please use bathroom facilities before the exam rather than during testing.

·                   Dictionaries (non-electronic only) are allowed for ESL students. Remove all personal notes from your dictionary.

·                   Study tips: Simply “understanding” the lectures & readings is insufficient. Overlearn the material to perform well on the test.  Prepare for exams with self-testing or working with a study partner. Practice by explaining key terms/concepts to others.



·                   If you miss a class, you are still responsible for all materials covered during lecture. Do not ask the instructor for missed hand-outs or lecture topics. Ask a classmate for information.

·                   Unlimited Excused Absences are allowed for extenuating circumstances. You must submit a completed “Request for an Excused Absence or Late” form (available at or outside my office door L332) when you return to class. Submit one form for each day you are absent. Extenuating circumstances, as defined by CCSF, are verified cases of accidents, illness, or other circumstances beyond the control of the student.

·                   More than 3 unexcused absences MIGHT result in an instructor-initiated drop/withdrawal. Note: if you WANT to drop/withdraw, you are responsible for completing the process.

·                   Emails or phone messages do not meet requirements for an Excused Absence.

·                   When you arrive late, let me know at the end of that class meeting.

·                   Leaving class without prior permission (sneaking out) = 2 unexcused absences.





EXERCISE IMPULSE CONTROL:  Optimize the opportunity for learning by removing distractions and keeping classroom conditions pleasant for everyone. Cells phones on silent mode and put away. No texting or websurfing. Do not chat with others during lecture. Clean-up after yourself.  Refrain from defacing the college desks or walls.


ELECTRONIC DEVICES: During open-book testing, you are allowed to access ONLY the course textbook (ebook) or your class notes. Internet searches for answers are not allowed. Also, when test material is present (e.g. during testing or reviews) all electronic devices must be put away. FYI: Research indicates that manual note-taking results in better retention/memory than electronic note-taking.   


ASK QUESTIONS: If you have questions during lecture, ASK. Others might be confused as well.  If your question or comment isn't of general interest to the class, I will defer it to after class or to office hours.


STAY HOME when sick:  Don’t come to school sick. Network with classmates to get lecture notes and hand-outs. Submit a completed Request for an Excused Absence when you return.


CONSIDERATION OF OTHERS:  Mutual respect is required. Refer to  for CCSF rules regarding Student Conduct.


FRAGRANCE-FREE: Please refrain from wearing fragrances that can be detected further than 12 inches from you. Just be clean. (Make yourself attractive by being friendly and helpful.) If wearing fragrance, please sit in the back of the classroom.


DOG: Occasionally there might be a dog in the classroom. If you are uncomfortable or allergic to dogs, please let me know at the beginning of the semester.  Also, please don’t tease the dog.







That's it. Except for "Congratulations to you for being in college!" I know it is hard work, particularly if you're taking a full load, have a job, family, or have other obligations. However, just the fact that you are here and are interested in improving your brain deserves a hand.


Good wishes for a great semester!